Interkulturelle Friedenswirkstätte 2017

Frieden achtsam miteinander leben und aus den Potentialen der Gruppe schöpfen, um Frieden zu bewirken

Die Friedenswirkstätte war ein sozialer Ort, an dem Frieden achtsam miteinander gelebt und bewirkt wurde. Ausgehend von einem Impuls von inkontra und dem Friedenskraftwerk Vorarlberg beteiligten sich weitere Vorarlberger Initiativen und Einzelpersonen. Gemeinsam ermöglichten wir ein Zusammenkommen, in dem Menschen mit verschiedenen Sprachkenntnissen, Kulturen und Religionen willkommen sind, die Frieden bewirken möchten. Besonders wichtig war es, auch die Teilnahme für Menschen zu ermöglichen, die aus dem Krieg geflohen sind, um in Frieden zu leben. Ermöglicht wurde die Überwindung sprachlicher Grenzen sowohl durch non-verbalen Dialog als auch mittels Übersetzer*innen. Durch das Angebot der Kinderbetreuung konnten auch Familien teilnehmen. Das Schöpfen aus der Vielfalt war von einer offenen Haltung der Gastgebenden, der flexiblen Dialogstruktur und dem elizitiven Ansatz getragen.


Participant’s Statements

Ruka Alkafaji, Feldkirch / Irak:
On the two occasions I was here I noticed, that there are very different interpretations of peace. For many, peace is the absence of war, but there are different forms of peace. Form me it also means being satisfied with oneself and that there is peace between the religions. It doesn’t only depend on whether the system is warlike, but also on our relations to each other, for example has there been no peace between black people and white people or in Iraq between religious groups. Peace also depends on accepting others. And I see that we all have our own thoughts on this topic. We have all gained something from the thoughts we shared here.

Peter Mennel, Bregenz:
In the association Vindex I work a lot with people in need, also refugees. Often, they have problems and I am supposed to solve them. The Friedenswirkstätte was unique for me, because we were really on eyelevel. Our stories are different and many here have gone through much harder times than me, but here we meet as humans and on this level, there is not much anymore that separates us. No matter where we come from, we can laugh about the same things. I hear that what we are doing here is experienced as an important form of peace work and that we want it to continue. I wish that we will not only wait for a new Friedenswirkstätte to emerge, but that we share the vibration we experienced here with other people in our networks.

Abdirahman Ali, Dornbirn / Somalia:
Peace has many faces. There are countries where peace prevails and others, where there is no peace. For example in Somalia or in other countries in Africa it is not easy, to let peace grow. Studying the causes of unpeaceful conditions in different countries we will find different reasons: economic conflicts, power struggles, clan conflicts and many others. If we want to build peace we should look at how peace is built in different countries and how we can create peace for ourselves – just as we did in the Friedenswirkstätte. I may wish for peace all people over the world, but I cannot imagine that.

Christian Hörl, Bregenz:
The Friedenswirkstätte has connected people from different continents, who currently live in Vorarlberg. It was a very beautiful experience to exchange, to gain completely new impressions, to share laughter and sadness. I especially liked when we created a mandala together and the dialogues have shown me, with how many different points of view we can look at a question. It is beautiful, that we can enrich each other!

Kathrin Salzmann, Bregenz:
.I am a teacher and in the Friedenswirkstätte I have learned at least as many helpful methods as in my padagogic training. The process and the encounters were beautiful, funny, touching and inspiring. I enjoy it very much to keep on working together in the smaller group.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017